The First Christmas

I remember watching the Charlie Brown Christmas special. With all the hustle and bustle of shopping and gifts and trees and decorations, we lose sight of what Christmas is all about. But Linus got it right. Remember? He recited part of Luke 2. ‘Christ’mas is not about any of that. It is about the birth of our Savior.

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Sheep are not the brightest of animals and rely on their shepherd for everything. Jesus often referred to people as sheep, as His sheep. We often make stupid decisions and make dumb mistakes. We fall short. But we can (and should) always rely on Him. We need to trust Jesus, not only for our salvation, but in everything. He has given the Holy Spirit to those of us who believe to guide us. In every situation, we should pray. Ask God for guidance. Do as Jesus would do. Love others as Jesus loves us. But we are more to God than just dumb animals. We are all special to Him. Each one of us. Christ is our Good Shepherd and seeks to do what is best for us and to protect us from harm. He delights in each one of us.

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Micah: Warnings and Hope

Like Amos, Micah speaks to Israel about the coming judgment of the people.  His ministry began in 740BC.  By 722 BC, the Assyrians take Israel into captivity. With every prophesy, God always give a warning. But, He also gives a promise. He is a just God, but also a merciful God. God’s word always has a message, and although Micah may be speaking to Israel, all of us need to take note. What He teaches one people are words for all people. The words of more than 2000 years ago still apply today.

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I AM’s…The Good Shepherd

What does it mean to be a shepherd?  A shepherd leads the flock.  He takes care of the flock.  He protects the flock and never steers them wrong.  He will never let them go astray and if they wander off he will bring them back and rescue them from any bad situation.  He is always there for his sheep.  In the Bible, a shepherd is not only one who takes care of his sheep, but is also a leader and a teacher.  Jesus is all those things and so much more. Continue reading “I AM’s…The Good Shepherd”

I AMs…The Door, The Gate

Jesus says He is the door to His sheep.  He is also the gate, the way to salvation.  He is the gateway between this world and heaven, between this life and eternal life, between us and the Father. Continue reading “I AMs…The Door, The Gate”